What the what?

So, what are you looking at exactly?  Take a minute...take a guess.

We are asked to do many things here that strike me as odd.  But, being that I am the foreigner and all the locals are doing it, I just shrug and go along.  Here is one example that I am still laughing about.

Elementary aged school children were asked to provide urine samples a while back.  I never knew what they were for, some health test, so I ponied up the pee.  Neither child wash thrilled to be taking little tubes of pee to school but they did it.  Not too long later Jaxon brought home a test kit that I was to administer and send back to school.  There were two steps.  Step one, not pictured, was to collect a stool sample.  Step two can be seen above.  Personally, I like the wings on the little child's back as he squats holding his butt cheeks open.

We were given a piece of cellophane like material that was folded in fours.  We had to open it up, press it on to the inside of Jaxon's cheeks (inside, all the way, circling the rim...), and send it back in.  Jaxon was MORTIFIED!  I think that it was made worse by the fact that I was laughing the whole time I was trying to pry his tightly clenched butt cheeks apart to get a swipe.

Poor Jaxon.  He gave a valiant effort to get out of the test.  He brought the kit home to me, only to "lose" it once he realized what he would have to do.  One call to the teacher and she was at our door with a new pooper-scooper and wipey thing.  

I'm still not sure what the tests and samples were for...since I have heard nothing I am assuming all that comes out of my little man's butt is well.


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