
My biggest class - 32 today.  There were a couple absent.  These kiddos will be in kindergarten next school year.

3 year olds.

Little Riki, with his marijuana shirt.
3 year olds.
Cute socks.  The teachers always have the
cutest socks.

2nd Kindergarten

Despite Jason and I working at the same place and having the same job, what we do is by large quite different.  In our short time here we have each settled into roles that seem to suit us.  Jason and I each have some basic after school English classes - these are called Eikaiwa or conversation classes.  Where our jobs differ is that he has taken on more adult classes and business classes.  He travels to different businesses around the area and teaches English and also has many adults that come to him.  I on the other hand, have become more of a preschool teacher.  Each weekday I go do a different yochien (preschool that serves kids from tiny to first grade) and teach a few hours of English classes to 3-6 year olds.  There is a lot of singing, playing, story reading.  It's pretty intense!  I wanted to share a few pictures of my kids from this morning to give you and idea of the enthusiastic little faces I spend my mornings with.
Hibiki, always smiling, always colorful.
Today his shirt says, "Happy, Lucky, Peace
Freedom.  It's so funny."  You can't see it well
in the picture, but he has a mullet with
designs shaved in the side of his head.


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