Quick Update

I've been meaning to post something - something to say that we are alive and well.  We are basically settled in our new place, the kids are registered to start school on Monday, and Jason has begun his new job.  I have an orientation to sub in a local school district next week and an interview for an open, full-time teaching position.  So, yeah, we are basically settled.

I miss Japan.  I didn't think I would, at least not yet.  We didn't have much there, just a few friends, our little apartment, and a routine. We had our privacy, our anonymity.  We'll have most of that here as time passes too.  I know that we'll develop our schedules and soon be busier than we'd like, but right now I feel like we are just coasting - floating along waiting for a bump to set us on a course.  We'll meet people and have our friends in this new place, our apartment will soon feel like our home.  I know this, but in the mean time, blah.

Jason and I intentionally chose to live in an apartment.  We made this choice before leaving Japan, while we were still living in an apartment there.  We weighed the options of buying a house, renting a house, and renting an apartment.  The apartment won and here we are.  I have to be honest - I'm having a little bit of a hard time with it.  I didn't mind it over there, it was the norm and no one gave a second thought to a family living in an apartment.  Here, it's a little different. I feel like we are supposed to be living in a house, something beautiful and showy or cute and full of quirky personality. And I find myself wanting to automatically defend our choice of apartment life, as if it's the wrong choice. It isn't the wrong choice, not for us for right now.  I'm probably the only one that even cares, right?  The only one that needs convincing is me...

Jason is loving his new job at Starbucks.  He's been hired to be a district manager.  Since he is an external hire he has a 3 month long training that he's got to go through - starting with the basics.  This week, his first week, he is a barista.  He's slinging coffee. He'll finish that and then become a supervisor for a few weeks, then a store manager and finally a DM. When the 3 month training finishes he'll be ready to run his own district.  It's very nostalgic for me - to have him come home and tell me about his day behind the bar.  I loved my time with Starbucks and Seattle's Best Coffee.  I could easily see myself back running a cafe again, if this whole shaping the minds of the young doesn't work out.  Think positive thoughts for me and my interview next week!  Income would be really nice right about now!

The kids are really, really looking forward to starting school next week.  I'm a little disappointed in the whole school situation - we chose the apartments that we are in partially because they are near two great elementary schools.  Unfortunately the two schools nearby are full so the kids are going to have to be bussed to a school that is further away and has space.  It is not as highly ranked and posts lower test scores than the schools here.  Not that test scores tell a whole story.  Also, I wanted them to go to a local school, to meet friends.  Oh well, this will be okay too, right?  The office staff at the school they are going to were really kind and Jaxon's teacher even called us to welcome us.  Maybe it's a blessing in disguise.

So, that's it for now - just a quick update.  Hoping all is well in your world!


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