
Last Thursday night we had dinner with a family that has been an important part of our lives here in Yakima. The family has been family to us as we lived in Yakima, away from all our blooded relatives. We won't see them again before we leave so this dinner was our goodbye. All was well and normal until the end when it was time to leave. As Laura and I hugged and prepared to part ways for some undetermined amount of time, I cried. I'm sad to be leaving her and I believe that she is sad to see us go. While being sad, she is one of our biggest supporters. She is very excited for us and the adventure that we are beginning. The goodbye was hard, leaving her was hard. But, she and I will remain friends and support each other from anywhere that we may end up. Knowing that made it all hurt a little less.

Laura and her family were the first of many goodbyes that Jason, the kids, and I will have to make. I want to hug everyone and assure them that we will see them again, that we will be back to resume this life we are leaving behind once our adventure is over. However, I can't say that, and I haven't. I believe that it is safe for me to speak for both Jason and I in saying that we don't want to come back and resume our lives as they are now. We are so lucky, and so blessed. We are not at all ungrateful for what we are leaving behind. BUT, we want change, growth, simplicity. We want to try to live as others do. As it turns out, the only hard part about leaving is leaving our people. Neither of us is having a single second thought as we watch our belongings being sold. As a matter of fact, there is something really amazing about turning off your cell phones, selling your cars, and living out of one room of things while the rest of household is being taken away by excited new owners.

We have three days left in Yakima. I have a feeling that these next three days will fly by but also feel like some of the longest days of our lives. Here we go...Tawnya


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