The beginning...

The house is set and staged for an estate sale. Everything that we own is taped and priced, available to whom ever thinks they need it in their lives. I feel like I should be sad looking around at my life represented by things that are all about to find new homes, but I'm not. I'm not sad to see my vases, my pillows, candlesticks and other accoutrements leaving my life. In all of my fond memories, I cannot think of a single one that would be made worse by lack of a large red vase with fake grass or a striped pillow. We are leaving behind the tangible, taking with us only those precious collected items that we carry with us daily but that cannot be see by anyone else.

This process of stripping down has really shown me that I do not NEED stuff. Sure, I like it, and I want it. I'm pretty sure that will never change. I just cannot imagine a day that I walk by a unique shop and it does not beckon me in. I guess the point is that I think I have let the line of need and want get too blurry. Or, maybe I simply thought of want first and let that be the impetus behind all my buying and acquiring.

Jason and I have decided to change all this. We are packing the things we need on our adventure first; clothes, shoes, soap. With the room left in our bags we will take a few things we want. The want pile is small, comprised of pictures of loved ones, books, a deck of cards and a cribbage board. There is a third pile. This pile is made up of mementos that we cannot get rid of, things that are truly special. In this pile is a box made for me by a friend, handmade cards with incredible sentiments, photos and of course books. Letting go of a book is to me like letting go of a dear friend. Even at that, I only kept the essentials.

To say that we are excited is an understatement. Neither Jason or I can wait to get on the plane to Japan and start anew. We can't wait to live simply, take more time for each other, and immerse ourselves into full discovery mode.

more later - Tawnya


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