
Our lives are what they are because of the choices that we make; and to a lesser extent the choices that those around us make. Occasionally when I am feeling a little romantic, or lazy even, I allow myself to subscribe to the thought of a master plan full of destiny and fate where our choices aren't as elemental in our lives. It all just happens like it's supposed to. Of course, I don't know which is the real direction that our lives follow, it could be a symbiotic relationship of both.

We spent the weekend in Yakima with a few of our closest friends. It turns out that 2 days is not nearly enough time. When we left a month ago, we assumed it was for at least a year. We made a clean break and said our farewells. Going back was certainly bittersweet. We absolutely loved the weekend and our time with everyone, but now we are sad and mourning all over again. I'm not sure if there was a great lesson in any of this but either way, we went, we saw, and we drug our tired selves back to the rainy West Side.

So, here's where I am going with all of this - our lives are full of almosts and near misses. This weekend we were talking about houses that we shopped in Yakima 4 years ago. Jason and I had it narrowed down to two homes. Had we chosen the other one, we would not have these amazing people in our lives. We'd have others, but I am sure the relationships would not be nearly as fulfilling. So, was it fate that we chose the latter home, or, are the relationships we have a direct result of the choice the we made? Tonight I'm going with choice. And, I am thankful. I am thankful for the connections that we have made all over our lives. I am also thankful for the almosts and near misses. Without them, I wouldn't have made it here, now.

I'm tonight after seeing my friends. I don't regret it, but it just reminds me that the ONLY difficult thing about leaving the US and moving away was leaving them. We have adapted well to everything but the blank spaces on our couch while we watch inappropriate television or mock politicians. We miss "quick" runs to the store together, the razzing football calls, and driving by one-another's homes, just checking to make sure we were all still there and doing alright. As it turns out, everyone is still there, and still alright, just a lot further away.


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